At Catherine Marie Charlton’s first solo piano concert at the age of 18, a woman in the audience was so moved that she sent flowers with a note that read “Only once before in my life has another pianist brought tears to my eyes. You play with both strength and tenderness- how beautiful.” The letter now hangs framed in Charlton’s studio. Catherine Marie says that “Ever since that day, I have striven to express my passion through the piano, to recreate emotions through sound, and to touch listeners’ hearts with my music.”
With Catherine
Upcoming Events
Catherine Marie Charlton
Catherine Marie Charlton, piano
Steve Meashey, bass
J. Jody Janetta, percussion
Shenandoah, American folk song
Arranged by Catherine Marie Charlton
Recorded May 31, 2014
Close camera shots by Elizabeth Brooks
Audio recording and video editing by Catherine Marie Charlton
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