Entry Date: April 14th, 2015

Wyeth Walks

Castles in the Air – Wyeth Walks #63.5

I had been at a conference over the weekend manning an exhibit table.  Didn’t make it out much, but I did manage to sneak a couple of peeks outside, first to see this beautiful tree Friday evening right after hearing the speaker ask “Where in your life are you empowering others?”.  The next day (Saturday) had a gloriously beautiful blue sky and warm air.  I wish I could have gone walking.  But, the conference was profound with deep personal connections, and I was so very grateful for this glimpse into the heavens, both in the building and outside in a fleeting moment of fresh air.

NC Wyeth said: “Now is the season to dream of one’s hopes, to build those castles high in the clear brittle air – and then to jump for them…”

April 10-11, Philadelphia PA, temp 70F (inside and out)