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Pros and Cons of Moving Out of State: Is It Worth It?

Pros and cons of moving out of stateMoving out of state is a big step so you must be absolutely sure it’s the right one before you take it.

The thing is that if you end up making the hasty decision to move to another state without weighing carefully the advantages and disadvantages of doing so, then not only are you likely to regret the decision after the move, but you’ll have lost too much time and money in the process too – time and money that you cannot possibly get back.

Therefore, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of moving to a new state before you pull the trigger and complete the relocation.

A comparative analysis may show that it’s not the right time for you to consider an interstate move. Or it may reinforce your belief that the planned out-of-state relocation has an impending now-or-never tag attached to it.

Read on to find out the advantages and disadvantages of moving out of state.

Pros of moving out of state

Under specific circumstances, moving to another state can bring about tons of positives for you and your family. Here are some of the most common advantages of moving across the country:

New experiences

Moving to a different state will definitely mean new experiences for you. In reality, (almost) everything will be new for you after the move, and the idea of being somewhere where you haven’t been before is exciting enough. It’s quite possible that even the climate in the destination is quite different from the one you’re used to, and that may prove to be a great thing in the end.

If you’ve become sick and tired of the monotonous daily routine in your current place, then a cross-country move will surely bring a dose of excitement back into your life simply because you’ll get to experience new things in a completely different way.

Sometimes the change of scenery can do you a world of good, and you should welcome and embrace the changes that come as a result of the relocation. An interstate move gives you the fresh start you’ve needed for years but never had the chance or the courage to make it happen.

The diverse landscapes of the new state can wake up that dormant sense of adventure in you, especially if you’ve just moved to a place that offers a variety of exciting outdoor activities. In short, an interstate move can break the chains of the mundane existence you’ve had until that moment.

Keep in mind that all the new experiences you’ll get as a result of the out-of-state move should invariably lead to personal growth – a stronger, more mature version of you with a more open mind.

10 Signs It’s Time to Move to Another State

Career opportunities

Moving to another state can also result in excellent career opportunities for you – often the case when the destination state has a booming economy and many highly-paid jobs in your area of expertise. In fact, the major reason you want to move to a new state can be to get a better job.

Moving out of state

Moving out of state for a job can easily prove to be a brilliant decision.

Another state can offer increased job prospects in different industries – something that was not available to you until that moment. The possibility of a higher salary or a promotion also influences your decision to start packing up your things and relocate to a place where your professional skills will be better appreciated.

Moving to a different state can advance your career in a way that is virtually impossible in the area you live right now. The destination job market can be much more favorable for you, and you can get better access to new professional networks after the move is complete.

All in all, you don’t have to be an ambitious careerist to decide to move to a state with increased job prospects. A good job that pays well will simply offer you a better standard of living for you and your family.

Moving Out of State Checklist

Education opportunities

A move to another state can also give you access to high-quality education.

Regardless of whether you yourself wish to continue your education or you want to give your children the opportunity to study at esteemed schools and prestigious universities in that destination state, proper education is arguably the greatest investment a person can make in life.

And because of that, you should never have any regrets after the move when it comes to the main reason to relocate in the first place.

Lifestyle changes

Your interstate move will also bring about many lifestyle changes for you – changes for the better, that is.

In most cases, the level of your financial security will be determined by how well your new job pays. As a rule of thumb, the higher your salary is in the destination place, the more things you will be able to afford, which will automatically increase your overall quality of life.

As a bonus, if you just moved to a state with a lower cost of living compared to the previous one, then you’re likely to enjoy an improved quality of life as long as your disposable budget has increased or has remained relatively unchanged.

One of the biggest advantages of moving to a new state is the more suitable weather conditions that can be found there. In fact, the whole interstate move may have been triggered by your desire to find a place that will offer a more favorable climate for you and your family.

If you’ve become intolerable of the sub-zero temperatures and heavy snowfall in the northern states (and all the issues that come with long and cold winters), then it’s only natural that you’d want to move to a state with a warmer climate. Of course, the same is true when you just can’t seem to stand the constant heat in your current area and wish to relocate to a colder place just to cool yourself down.

Pros and Cons of Moving to a Cold State

Pros and Cons of Moving to a Warmer State

Relocating to a state that offers scores of outdoor activities (Colorado, for example) will enable you to lead a healthier lifestyle. Regardless of what you enjoy doing in your spare time – hiking, biking, skiing, snowboarding, swimming, surfing, or sailing, the destination state can prove to be an outdoor enthusiast’s paradise.

And that may be exactly what you’re after and one of the main reasons to want to put an end to your current sedentary lifestyle by seeking a much more active way of living in a different part of the country.

Moving to Another State to Start Over

Cons of moving out of state

Unfortunately, moving to another state has its share of disadvantages as well – possible drawbacks that you must be aware of before you decide to complete the interstate relocation.

Generally, the cons of moving out of state can be divided into 3 main categories: 1) emotional challenges, 2) economic concerns, and 3) logistical concerns.

Emotional challenges

While it can be an exciting adventure on its own, an interstate move can also result in a number of emotional challenges for you as soon as Moving day is over.

Cons of moving out of state

Moving to another state could bring about a post-move phenomenon known as relocation depression.

First of all, moving away from family and friends is likely to cause an overwhelming bout of homesickness. You may start to feel profound sadness due to the fact that you had to leave behind your best pals and even some of your family members.

That unwelcoming wave of homesickness is part of a post-move phenomenon known as relocation depression. You’ll be missing the people you love back in the previous state, and you’ll also miss your life there and how things made sense. And now, at least a few states away, you may find yourself struggling to regain your normal inner rhythm.

It’s true – moving out of state could cause separation anxiety, and this is why you have to be on the lookout for the following relocation depression symptoms: excessive sleep, uncharacteristic tiredness, unwillingness to leave the new place, lack of desire to socialize, and tangible apathy.

How to Overcome Relocation Depression After a Move

And secondly, another emotional challenge you may have to overcome after the move to another state is stress from the move itself and the adjustment to the new environment. It’s important to note that the adjustment period will start as soon as you step over the threshold of the new place and can continue anywhere from a few weeks to even months.

Adjusting to a new environment after moving can be especially tough when you’ve moved to the new state alone and when you don’t know anyone in the destination city or town. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to speed up the post-relocation period of adaptation such as exploring the new area, using your job as a temporary shield, meeting new people, and of course – keeping in touch with your old pals.

Economic concerns

Without a doubt, a cross-country move will also cause several economic concerns that you will have to deal it in due time.

The very first financial concern you’re likely to be worried about is the cost of the out-of-state move. It’s important to keep in mind that the national average cost of an interstate move is about $4,000, with a price range from $2,200 to $5,700, or more depending on the specific relocation parameters.

The truth is that you may not be ready for the high moving costs. Since moving across the country is a type of relocation that’s best handled by a reputable and experienced interstate moving company, your main goal should be to find a low-cost cross-country mover to keep your moving expenses to a minimum.

How to Find Cheap Movers in 10 Simple Steps

Another financial concern you may have when moving out of state is the potential increase in the cost of living due to the relocation. This is especially relevant when you’re moving to a more expensive city located in a generally more expensive state. And this is exactly why you just have to do your homework before the relocation so that you don’t get any unpleasant surprises from a financial point of view.

Another potential disadvantage of moving to a new state is the complicated scenario when you arrive in the new place without having secured a job first. That can be rather risky, especially when you haven’t researched the job market well in advance. In addition to covering the high moving costs, you’re going to have serious financial obligations right after the move – rent, mortgage, deposits, furnishing, repairs, stocking up groceries, and much more.

20 Simple and Easy Ways to Reduce Moving Costs

Logistical concerns

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that moving to another state can be a serious logistical challenge.

Initially, you will need to invest a great amount of time and effort in planning and executing the move. In most cases, there will be too many things to think about and too many tasks to complete before you can consider yourself ready to move out. And this is exactly why you’re going to need a good time management tool to keep things organized from Day 1.

Do yourself a favor and follow a detailed MOVING CHECKLIST to increase the overall efficiency of your pre-move preparations.

Advantages and disadvantages of moving out of state

There will be scores of important tasks to take care of after the move is over.

But a move to a different state can also bring a series of challenges that will await you as soon as you reach your final destination:

  • Finding healthcare providers.
  • Finding a good school.
  • Transferring home utilities.
  • Changing your postal address.
  • Registering your car.
  • Unpacking.

Guide to Moving to Another State: Checklist and Tips

The post Pros and Cons of Moving Out of State: Is It Worth It? appeared first on The Moving Blog.